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In 2006 I started a beauty blog, London Make-up Blog (originally Little Miss B) where I could give a purpose to the ridiculous amount of money I spent on beauty products. The obsession developed and in 2011 I left my job in publishing to become a full-time makeup artist.

Three baby boys and three dogs later and I decided to expand my knowledge with a diploma in Advanced Skin Science and Aesthetic practise. I’m a qualified Level 3 Facial Skincare Therapist with a Level 4 in Advanced Skin Science and Investigative Consultation.

I realised that actually my passion is helping women, normal women who are usually overwhelmed and overlooked by the booming beauty industry. Bloggers are getting younger, everything has gone digital and the amount of products on the market is formidable. I’m here to help.

Whether you want a consultation (online or in person) a facial at your house or mine, help make-up shopping or a beauty routine delivered straight to your door I’ve got you covered.